What is Breathwork?
Pause Breathwork is using continual breath patterns as a way to heal, release and transform.
While breathwork can be used for short periods (integrative) throughout the day for relaxation and mental clarity, meditative breathwork is a longer journey, done lying down on a mat for transformation.
Most of us are on the “go go go”, living busy lives in this chaotic world becoming disconnected from our bodies and buried in feelings and emotions that we don’t know how to deal with or process. For many, it can be a norm to be constantly stressed, anxious, worried and overwhelmed.
We often end up using food, alcohol, television etc to numb out the feelings or distract ourselves.
The intention here is to create a safe space for you to be still and with yourself, to breathe and feel through. Using something as simple as your breath intentionally in a safe space, breathwork can be powerful and transformational.
Most common benefits of breathwork:
– Stress reduction & anxiety relief
– Connect with your emotions & change your response to them
– More energy & mental clarity
– Deepens connection to your body
– Release trauma that has been stuck in your system for years
– Better access to your intuition
1:1 session (beginner)
Being guided through meditative breathwork for the first time? Book in a beginner session so I can spend more time (75 mins) explaining breathwork and answering any questions.
1:1 session (repeat breather)
If you have been guided through meditative breathwork by me previously in a group or 1:1, you can book a “repeat” breather session (60mins).
Group session
Enquire to have a session with your partner, friends, family or colleagues. Integrative sessions are great to start the day at conferences.