Upset about weight gain post holiday?

Upset about weight gain post holiday?

I love traveling! But before my health journey, I started to notice something…

We would do “staycations” during covid and go away for just a weekend but upon return I would find myself weighing 1-2kg over (maybe even more sometimes!).

Now it is easy to say you went to relax and have a great time so that is fine. While I would enjoy it a lot, to be honest, I didn’t always feel that great- oversleeping, no mindfulness, over snacking, over drinking… Some of you may know how that goes! 

Fast forward many months when I was on a health journey. I went out of the country for a month and even spent a week in managed isolation. This time I weighed myself before leaving and after returning. Voila, no weight change. I did not even deprive myself! I thoroughly enjoyed myself and the foods that I don’t get in my country. What I realised was that when you make educated changes and you know they make you feel good, you don’t want to feel crap again!

I made another 3 week trip and the same thing happened!

So now I can share what seems to work for me:

  • Keep some nourishing snacks on you from the start- for the flight, car rides etc. Once at your destination, buy some of those lovely nourishing fruits/nuts/dark choc to keep as snacks (especially those you don’t normally get back home).
  • When traveling, you are probably walking a lot some days but if you’re not (eg. staying at a relatives home and chilling), do what you love- maybe a scenic/bush walk or walk around the block, sport or just yoga at home. Move in a way that feels nourishing!
  • Keep your water bottle on you from the time you leave home! Carry it with you (no it is not a pain to carry it). You save on buying plastic bottles everywhere and get to hydrate yourself all day long! Hopefully you find filtered tap water around (water fountains, restaurants etc).
  • Take out a few minutes a day for some mindfulness or breathwork. Maybe earlier in the day. Find your centre, notice your breath and body. Carry this calmness and peace with you throughout the day especially in the madness of travel/holiday.
  • Enjoy your favourite foods! Do it intentionally and savour each bite! I did and then I found days where I would want to have more veggies or salad in my meal as well. Enjoy that too! 

What I might have shared may seem like “work” or “too much rules” but invitation to notice HOW YOU REALLY FEEL during your holiday and then take what you need & leave the rest. 

Most importantly, have so much fun!