The Evolution of the Modern Diet

The Evolution of the Modern Diet

I came across this question during my nutritional therapy course by NTA, “How did we stray so far from the nutrient-dense whole foods that have nourished our species for thousands and thousands of generations?”

Truly, does most of the food you eat today look like how it exists in nature? Are we even in control of what we eat or does the food control us? I know I was hooked onto so many foods which I believed was normal- such as sugary treats, alcohol and chips. After being on a health journey, I can now intentionally choose to have these rather than them controlling me via cravings. It is liberating! To be honest, one may totally relate to what I just said, or totally not relate to it, because it takes self-awareness to even notice this.

Watch the video below for a synopsis of the Evolution of the Modern Diet which was pretty enlightening for me to learn.

So how do modern food systems interfere with and confuse the innate wisdom of the body? The following are some points I had learnt during my course with my commentary.

  • Chemical components in modern foods can increase hunger levels and turn off normal hormonal cues for satiety. Yes! My husband would call me a machine gun when I used to sit with a bowl of chips.
  • Eating nutrient-poor, calorie-rich processed foods leads to increased appetite as we continue to eat in search of sufficient nutrients. So much yes!! I would literally sit stuffed with foods such as pizza yet be HUNGRY! Then continue to eat and then feel miserable- food coma?
  • Corporate farming practices have resulted in extreme nutrient loss in soils. Subsequently, even most whole foods are less nutrient dense than they would have been historically. This would vary location to location and we now even have other farming methods such as hydroponics.
  • Packaged foods can appear more attractive than real, whole foods covered with dirt and bugs. Oh my, when I see kids (actually even adults) refuse to eat real food and gobble down packets of processed foods! But again I was there and how to blame anyone as these foods are made to be addictive, right?
  • Access to real food is not universally available in all communities. Many turn to refined, packaged foods since it’s the only option available. Does this apply to you? I find this to be the case when finding meals on the road- mostly deep fried, refined carbs, no signs of veggies except for a rare lettuce? Pack your snack/meal when you can!
  • The rapid rise in food reactions can contribute to both picky and disordered eating. Now I know that poor gut health can lead to more reactions and taking a break from those foods and allowing the gut to heal can allow some to reintroduce these foods (not allergens though!).

You are not broken or stuck. You are powerful and the only person in charge of your health.